Say No To Bullying

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Ever wonder why some kiddies today are too afraid to go to school? There could be a lot of reason why your child won’t step out of his room to go to school and one major reason is probably of bullying. It is not uncommon nowadays when you hear about this issue and your kid may actually be a victim of this act or worse, being the bully in his school. Say no to Bullying!

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Not long ago, I never thought that a preschooler could hurt another kid and the idea itself sounded crazy, but when a close friend of mine who’s actually a pre-school teacher in an international school told me about an incident where two of her students quarreled like wild animals, I still didn’t believe it until I saw them with my own eyes. There was this kid crying out loud and he was one of the new kids in school. He was being chased by his classmate who was a girl at about five years old. She kept punching him on his back and the boy was running away from her. When they were sent to the director’s office, her reason was because he had a crush on her and she got really frustrated and told him that if she keeps punching him, his crush for her would go away. As she was explaining her side, she can’t help but laugh and thought that it was a silly joke. The next day the little boy got bruises all over his body and didn’t want to go to school. I thought to myself that they were just preschoolers and yet the violence was already present and though they may not know what they were doing, it was still inexcusable. Kids going to school nowadays is something questionable when it comes to safety measures.

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Another incident was when one of my friends told me about her son’s situation in school. She noticed that her kid was seemingly thin yet it he eats a lot at home and she would even give him extra money to buy himself food in school. Her kid was physically fine except that he was slimmer compared to kiddies his age. One day her son went up to her and told her if she could just pack him lunch instead of giving him money because the bullies in his school would force him to give out his pocket money during recess time and would threaten to punch him if he didn’t comply. Right after this incident my friend transferred her son into a different school and although he’s going to be one of the new kids in school, at least she was somewhat relieved knowing that her son didn’t have to deal with those bullies again. But I asked her, do you think that there are no bullies in his new school? Do you think that you can ultimately stop this from happening when you transfer your son into a different school? Kids going to school is something all parents should face and these kinds of bullying cannot be stopped simply by transferring your kids from one school to another once a bully presented itself. There must be another way to stop them.

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Bullying is the act of willingly causing physical, emotional, verbal or mental harm to others. It could be through name-calling another person, physical assault such as hitting, kicking, biting, social exclusion where they intentionally reject another kid to shame them or anything that would hurt another individual. A bully can turn something like lunch time or going to the bus stop a living hell for other kids and this can leave a deep emotional scar that sometimes traumatize other youngsters. This is something we can avoid and prevent from happening and the moment we learn that our kids are being bullied, we should act on it and stop it from ever happening, not just to our kids but to other helpless children as well. Bullies usually attack new kids in school as they want to exert territory or they want to show who’s tough. It is important for us parents to take bullying seriously and not just let our kiddies handle it by themselves and tell them that it is part of growing up. Kids going to school should not be a tormenting act for them, but instead, it should be a safe and fun place where they can learn new things and meet new friends.

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In other parts of the world, bullying has contributed to many serious matters such as suicide, school shooting and kidnapping. Others take it to other forms such as posting indecent comments through social media or spreading out gossip on the Internet.

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The subject of bullying is a long and elaborate discussion and I do not want to bore you as you may have heard about this issue a million times. The bottom line here is that we should know how to detect once our kids are victims of such act. This happens a lot to new kids in school and the only thing that can prevent it from happening is that we have an open communication with our kiddies. Technology is our may weapon in order to keep track of our kids’ welfare. Giving them a cellphone is a good way to know where they are, letting them create their own social media accounts is also a great way to help them express how they feel and maybe gain more friends. By handing them smart phones or tablets, they can easily install useful apps where they can easily contact their families, their friends or perhaps share their emotions through their own personal blogs. Our kids have their own battles and we, as parents cannot always be there for them whenever they need us and all we can do is guide them and hope that they turn out to be responsible individuals. Let’s not be afraid about kids going to school as it is nothing but normal and with proper guidance and the use of available tools that can strengthen your bond with your kid, you can be sure that you’re raising a responsible child who will someday become a role model to others. For more information about bullying or how you can raise a child in the digital world using the most innovated technology to keep them safe, CLICK HERE now!

Do Kids Hate School?

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Let’s face it moms and dads, we are more afraid of our kids’ reaction when we talk about school than our kiddies who are actually going to school. Why? Because they always give us mixed emotions, some are quite excited to be entering school for the very first time while others suffer from separation anxiety. We’re lucky if our children are ecstatic to be at these learning facilities but what if it’s the other way around? What if our kids hate school and waking them up every morning seems like a punishment for them?


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Kiddies go to school at the age of four while in some cases, parents like to introduce them into early education by taking them at the age of three. It doesn’t really matter what age you bring them to school but most educators and parents would say that introducing them at an earlier age makes it less stressful and exciting for them. It is never easy taking them to a place where you will be away from them, not only that it is heartbreaking for your kiddies but it’s going to be difficult for you as mommies who take care of them 24/7. When they start to cry as they lose sight of you, it somehow gives you the idea that kids hate school but we really don’t have much choice as they need to learn from actual teachers. All you got to do is learn how to make it less traumatic for them to be seeing less of you when they enter school and to make it more exciting to be learning something new. Now, how do we do that? Maybe buying them their first kids school kit? Let’s talk about it more.


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Kids hate school. No. They don’t hate school. They just hate the fact that they are separated from their parents as they are not accustomed to not seeing them all the time. Leaving them with strangers (their news classmates and teachers) could be a little overwhelming for some kids. Eating alone or with someone they hardly know is probably something they are no accustomed to. Becoming social to other children may also be foreign to them as they may not know how to approach them or how they will react when others went closer to them. These are the things that we need to focus on. There are ways on how we can eliminate this fear of going to school and one of which is by preparing them a nice kids school kit. There are many school supplies available in the market today that feature their favorite cartoon characters like pencil cases, bags, notebooks and water jugs. By getting them this stuff, you’re keeping them excited and always looking forward to showing off their cool merchandise.


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The secret of making your kids want to go to class is to always keep them uplifted, excited and to show them the benefits of learning. It may sound difficult at first but once you get the hang of it, it’ll be as simple as tossing a pancake. You’ll only think that kids hate school when it becomes a struggle to bring them  there, but once they see that waking up early and being present in class is something they should look forward to because it has a lot of positive reinforcement, then you got yourself a happy kiddie! Just make sure to equip them with the right tools that can help them learn more and make things easier for them such as these new tablets specifically made for kiddies. Learning has never been this fun as technology has made it easier for us to instill knowledge among youth.


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Even classrooms today find these devices useful in incorporating information amongst our children. It has become a prerequisite in most schools today to use these kinds of tools to make learning more fun for our kiddies. These tablets are installed with different apps that will surely teach our children basic lessons that they need to know in their pre-school years. Stop the idea of “kids hate school” and begin to believe more in “kids love school!” Add in your shopping cart these exciting kids school kit and make learning for them easy, exciting and extra fun! If you want to know more tips and ideas on prepping your kiddies to school, make sure you VISIT US now!

When Is It Appropriate To Give My Kid A Cellular Phone?

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In today’s digital age, having a mobile phone is indeed a necessity. Not only that it helps people contact you faster, it also helps to reach you anytime, anywhere especially in cases of emergency. I remember in the early ‘90s, only the rich and famous have new cellular phones and having one gives you such pride and joy. But today, everyone has cell phones and we can’t even count how many models are out there to entice us from buying one. Every year, mobile phone makers release high-tech models that have unique features that we can only imagine, but the real question is, since adults are almost required to have one, do we also need get our kiddies their own cellular phones?


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This is perhaps the argument that most parents have in their minds whether they should give their kids a new cellular phone or not. Some say they won’t know how to use them, while others feel like they might abuse the use of it and it would reflect on them in the future. But let’s slowly take it one step at a time and see the pros and cons of getting your kiddies a mobile phone:


Pro – Letting your kid have one is like putting a walkie-talkie around them and knowing exactly that you can contact them anytime, anywhere.

Con – Kids like to feel the freedom when they start to learn new things and as much as possible, they want to step away from their parents and discover new things on their own.

Pro – When your kids have their own cell phones, they can easily call you in cases of emergencies.

Con – When kids try to use these gadgets to explore adult stuff that we don’t want them to see.

Pro – Texting is a great way to bond with your kids where you can send silly jokes to one another and at the same time, stay in constant communication with them.

Con – Wrong use of cellular phone plans such as bullying another kid or harassment could lead them off track and be misguided is they use their mobiles incorrectly.


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Technology is indeed confusing sometimes but it doesn’t have to be as long as you everyone is well informed about its pros and cons. Both parents and kiddies can benefit from it if equipped with proper handling and information. Giving your kids a new cellular phone is not a bad idea, in fact, it helps family ties stronger. It also teaches our kids about responsibility. For us parents, we should always remember that we are our children’s first teacher and everything they need to know in their early mental development should come from us. Handing them cellular phone plans should come with rules and limitations they need to follow. It shows that we trust them and we expect that they obey our policies in using these communication devices.


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Letting your kiddies have a cell phone is a tough decision. First you have to know if they are mature enough to handle one or if they are too young to even know how to use them. Now, your question might be: what is the right age to give your kid his or her own cell phone? There’s no right age on when you can entrust your kiddies with this gadget because every child is different and their mental development always vary. But weighing to give your kiddies their own mobiles would depend on how much they would insist or how much they are separated from you may it be for school or other occasions. Letting them own one would mean constant communication with you and tracking them using the GPS system would let you worry less knowing that you are aware on their whereabouts. Entrusting them with these gadgets would also show them that you are letting go of their leashes and letting them be responsible with their call usage and text restrictions.


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If you’re worried or thinking twice about giving you kiddies a new cellular phone because they might overuse their mobile plans or they might go running around the city, there are ways you can do to keep them from a total misuse. Telecom companies have different plans that you can choose from and some of which are customizable depending on your needs. You can apply for the most suitable cellular phone plans for your kiddies and explain to them their limitations and restrictions. Also, when picking the right mobile phone for them, make sure you get those models that can be installed with useful applications such as LIFE360 where you can track your kid’s location anywhere anytime via GPS, Google Latitude where the whole family is traced on a map and you can instantly see where everyone is, MobileKids where you can monitor your kids’ phone usage whether they are texting or calling someone at night, MamaBear is also a great app that detects your kid’s social media feeds if there’s any bullying or crude language that is not appropriate and a lot more. There are so many applications available today to keep your kids safe in the online community.


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So giving your kiddies their new cellular phone is really up to you whether you think they are responsible enough or they might really need it for emergency purposes. Just keep in mind the pros and cons of having one and you need to make sure that you explain it all to your kids until they fully grasp the information. For more tips about parenting in the digital world, CLICK HERE.

Summer Fun for Your Kiddies

Going to the beach or  photo Corbis-42-16923767_zps8c25830c.jpgheading on to the pool is something almost all kids look forward to during the summer. It’s a fun activity for the whole family and a great form exercise because it engages several body parts to function without stressing too much on the joints. There are many other benefits your kiddies get just by swimming alone and studies show that kids swimming at an early age help them become emotionally and physically fit. As the summer starts to heat up even more, I wrote down a couple of good insights about the benefits your children get when they swim. So read on and start preparing for your next summer trip!

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You have two choices when planning to go on a swimming vacation with the family: you can either go to the beach or go to a resort where there are pools present. The beach is an outstanding place to have a summer vacation due to its refreshing look, its take you back to nature and your kiddies can definitely enjoy building sand castles. The downside here is that the sea is a massive body of water that houses different underwater creatures and some of them are dangerous. Jellyfish, sea urchins, sea mosquitoes and other poisonous marine animals are just some of the hazards you need to be careful of when swimming at the beach. This is why some parents prefer to bring their children to clubhouses or resorts with pool because they feel that it’s safer and most of the time, places like these offer swimming classes for kids who are enthusiasts of learning how to swim.

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When planning for a summer trip and you want to include swimming as one of your activities, it is vital to put your kiddies’ safety first. We don’t want drowning or any accidents in a fun-filled day so we need to take all precautionary measures in order to avoid such incidents. For children below four years old, it is important to keep an eye on them at all times. Kids swimming could sometimes be out of control as they get too excited so you have to remember never let them skip your eyes even for a moment as they might fall down in deeper areas of the swimming pool. The sides and bottoms are usually made of concrete material, so a sudden fall or slip could be dangerous. When planning to go to the beach, make sure your kiddies wear appropriate and protective swimming attire. The sands are sometimes sharp that might cut their feet so it is important to be cautious. Applying sunblock lotion is also a MUST as the sun gets too hot during the summer. Once all safety measures are met, it is time to enjoy and have fun!

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Swimming activity for kids has lots of emotional and physical benefits. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP), swimming can improve the mental well-being of a child as it increases positive mood and decreases anxiety. CDCP also added that kiddies with developmental disabilities have found that doing group swimming increases family ties and improves family connections. Aside from emotional development amongst children, swimming can also be a great form of exercise. When kids mess around in water, their bodies move from small amount of activity to a full-on aerobic workout. It provides stretching, toning and even a full workout that strengthens the lungs and the heart. They’re doing an intensive workout without even knowing it because they are enjoying so much. Swimming is highly advisable to overweight kids as they find it easier and more fun to swim than to jog or run. Those with health problems such as asthma and arthritis can also benefit from this activity as the weightlessness of being underwater makes it easier for them to get small amount of low-impact exercise. As per kiddies who have asthma, having a sudden attack is less likely during swimming compared to other strenuous exercises.

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Enrolling for swimming classes for kids is actually a great way to know more about the benefits of regular swimming activities. Researchers document that the stimulating effect of early swimming lessons for kids (infants/toddlers) increases intelligence, alertness and concentration. And for you to see the progress of your kiddies, you can record their swimming lessons through your mobile phones or handy tablets. It won’t just let you know their progress, it will also save memories of your kid having fun as they swim. Those videos and photos will be precious someday so it is important that you have a reminder of those happy moments. If you want to read more about some tips and helpful ideas, make sure to VISIT US.

Three Kiddie Tablet Features That’ll Make It Worth Your Money (and Trust!)


So you finally decide on giving your 21st century kid his portion of innovation – you want to buy a kiddie tablet. How do you choose one?

Pediatricians recommend giving kids their own tablet at age 5-6 or during the early elementary years. This is when they can start visiting websites on their own, and understand that technology is not for mere entertainment, but more importantly for educational purposes. In choosing a kiddie tablet, here are the three most important features you should look for:

Parental Lock


This should be on top of your list when choosing a tablet for your kid. Look for one that has a foolproof parental guidance system. The best device should have a dual mode feature that allows you to set a locked environment with apps you can personally pick for your child. Great if it will sort suitable for 5/6 year olds apps you’ve downloaded automatically to the ‘Kiddie mode’. This parental lock feature should enable you to block your kiddie’s access to the web and only open educational apps.

Educational Apps


A good kiddie tablet must have pre-loaded applications and games carefully designed to help children develop cognitive skills. At the same time, these apps and other programs should be entertaining enough to promote engagement. They should come from trusted and reliable sources, must convey positive messages, and be written in a positive or neutral langu
age. For more info on choosing appropriate apps and media for children, click here.

Pre-set Timer


When you decide on giving your child his own device, a major problem you may face is limiting the time of usage. You, however, can skip this through the pre-set timer feature. Set a pre-determined time your kiddie can use the device everyday, so they don’t go overboard and lose time for study and sleep.

Buying a tablet for your child is a big deal. Other than the money involved, there are a lot of other concerns such as preparedness and security. If you choose incorrectly, your kiddie might develop bad habits they might continue to their elementary years. But if you get just the right device for your little one, it could help them become the next world renowned artist or society hero!

Get valuable information, tips, and strategies on raising children in the digital age. Click here for FREE UPDATES.

Get Your Kiddie Into Photography This Summer 2014


The sun is high, temperature starts to get humid, and each day it becomes clear you really need a break from all the work. Summer is here! You’ve probably began writing your list of places to visit and things to try for your whole family. Why not have your kiddies educated in photography this 2014? Might as well assign them to capture memories of your latest escapades, yeah?

Trust me, parents, no kiddie would say no to having their first, very own camera and taught about the basics of photography. If you believe your child is of age to handle a costly capturing device, here’s how to get started with teaching your kiddie to get snappy:

Choosing a camera for your kiddie


Let’s start with the device. Would you need a digital, SLR, or Point and Shoot? There are many pros and cons to consider for each type of camera. Cheapest of these three is the Point and Shoot, which you can also bring anywhere since it features automatic focus. On the other hand, it may frustrate your aspiring photographer as it produces lousy photos without offering manual settings for those neat effects.

A digital camera is a better option than the point and shoot. Other than letting users see the photos right away, it also allows faster uploading to PC with no printing costs. Getting one for your kiddie, however, may require you to shell out more cash if you want a unit that produces high resolution photos.

SLRs are the most expensive of the three types. These manual cameras, however, are what I believe, the real deal. Consider buying for your kiddie an investment, for you to really mold them into becoming a skilled and renowned photographer at a young age. SLR lets its users create the exact look they want. You just have to teach your kiddie how to take good care of the device for it to last until it becomes vintage, though.

Getting Started

It all begins with composing a shot. After getting your kiddie a camera, let them take shots of everything and anything. Tell your child to shoot from different angles until it becomes clear what looks best. Have them look into texture and get as creative as they can be. Slowly, introduce your kiddie about light exposure until they can figure out what kind of lighting works best for different subjects on their own.

Developing Your Kiddie’s Masterpiece


Have your kiddie’s greatest shots developed in a photo lab or printed if taken with a digital camera. This lets them see the fruits of their labor and get them to love photography even more. Guide them to not feel discouraged if most of the photos aren’t perfect and remind that practice makes perfect. You never stop learning with photography, you just get better!

Here are more tips from the pros you have to share with your kiddies:

  • Use pets with different behaviors as subjects.
  • Be sure first with what you’re looking at before you click.
  • Avoid having your subjects in the center.
  • Use natural light.
  • Frame the horizon so it’s not in the middle of the picture.
  • Try something new from time to time.
  • Note that the best pictures have interesting elements that fill the whole photo.
  • Take pictures that are meaningful to you.

Portrait of extended family

Whatever camera type you choose, I suggest you buy a protector case to make it last long (especially in the hands of little children). Enjoy summer and take as much snaps as you can with your kiddies, parents! 

Get valuable information, tips, and strategies on raising children in the digital age. Click here for FREE UPDATE.

Tips for Choosing Appropriate Applications and Media for Children

coverWith the release of touch-based devices like tablets and smart phones, children are able to explore the world of technology at an even younger age. Gone are the days when parents had to wait for their children to be ready to deal with the complexities of manipulating a computer keyboard and mouse. Many parents now turn to apps and digital media to entertain, educate, or simply distract their children. But with so many options, recommendations, and user ratings available, choosing the right apps and media for their kids becomes such a daunting task. Here are a few guidelines parents can use to make informed decisions on which apps to download – and which to avoid:

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